Privacy Policies

We don’t share your information.Information We Collect (A) information you provide to us directly; (B) information that we automatically collect; and (C) information we receive from third parties. This includes data that identifies you personally whether directly (i.e., your name) or indirectly (i.e., information about your online use). A. Information You Provide

We collect personal information about you in various ways, online, offline, and by telephone. The types of personal information we may collect include:

Information You Provide When You Interact with the Website
We collect your name, postal address, email address, mobile or other telephone number, username and password if you register an account with us.
We collect content information you provide, including photos and comments.
We collect customer service inquiries, and related history that you share with us.
We collect information you provide regarding your personal or professional interests, date of birth, anniversary date, demographics (such as gender, occupation, income and marital status), experiences with our products, and shopping and contact preferences.